Bruce Whitfield

Originally from Los Angeles, California, Bruce Whitfield is a professor at Sofia University and the University of National and World Economy. He is also a business transactional attorney, having lived and worked on international transactions in more than 20 countries around the world. He has a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Pepperdine University and an undergraduate degree in business administration. He has also taught courses in international business, US business law and intellectual property as a guest lecturer at several universities. His research interests include international business, entrepreneurship and intellectual property, and he is actively involved in several entrepreneurship programs in Bulgaria.


Milen Mitev

СъдържаниMilen works as a Senior Legal Adviser for the Bulgarian National Radio. Milen graduated from the English Language School in Plovdiv in 2002 and went on to study Law at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” where he graduated with a Master’s degree in 2007. After several years working as a lawyer’s assistant in different fields of law and teaching seminar classes at the Plovdiv University “St. Paisii Hilendarski”, Milen joined the Bulgarian National Radio – the public service radio of Bulgaria – as a Legal Adviser in 2009. There he started working on public procurement and contracts. Since June 2010, Milen holds the position of Senior Legal Adviser at BNR and works mainly on copyright issues, media law and administrative procedures. As a representative of BNR, Milen was involved in the drafting process of several amendments in the Bulgarian copyright and media legislation. In May 2013, Milen was elected as a member of the Legal and Policy Committee of the European Broadcasting Union – the largest organisation of public service media in Europe. He is now in his third mandate as a member of the Committee, working on the EBU’s policy and strategy and monitoring the changes in the European Union’s Copyright and Media Law.ето трябва да е тук

Sofia Nenkova


СъдържаниСофия е пети курс, специалност “Право” в Софийски университет “Свети Климент Охридски”. Въпреки че още не с е е дипломирла, тя вече е избрала в коя област на правото иска да се развива и това е Интелектуалната собственост. Завършва с отличие Испанската гимназия в София през 2012 г. и след стажа си в адвокатска кантора “Батков и С-ие” продължава с програмата Еразъм + в Universidade Nova de Lisboa, къде отново се съсредоточава върху проблематиката на Интелектуалната собственост. Днес София участва в първия по рода си курс в България по американско авторско право CopyrightX и по всичко личи, че днешната статия е само началото на много и интересни анализи в тази сфера на правото. Целта на ILAC е да предоставя платформа за изява на такива млади и амбициозни колеги, тъй че пожелаваме успех на София и чакаме с нетърпение следващата публикация

Carlos Alberto Ribeiro


Carlos Alberto Ribeiro, Paralegal and European Consultant of COTS Attorney-at-Law specialized in Cyber Law, Information Technology, e-commerce, digital contracts and cyber security.

Specialized in cyberlaw by FGV also a Linux and open standards professional since 1998 working for national and international companies like Cisco Brazil; H&R BLOCK-USA, Novell; Komputer Linux.

Author of several articles and papers about digital law, e-commerce, cyberlaw, and cyber security. Member of Cyber Law and Information Security, European Cyber Resilience Research Network ECRRN, IT4Legal and ICANN, Carlos Alberto holds various qualifications and courses courses in IT and Law areas like ContractX (Harvard), Digital Law (Porto University), MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer), Novell Certified Linux Administrator, Novell Certified Linux Professional, Cisco CCNA, Novell OES Bootcamp, Novell Identity Manager, IBM Data Center Technical Specialist, IBM -systemZ and Cisco ACS.Speaker at national and international events: LinuxWorld, FISL, IBM CIO Meeting, SUSE Hackfest (Nuremberg, Germany), FOSDEM (Brussels, Belgium), openSUSE Conference (Thessaloniki, Greece), Scale (Los Angeles, USA), openSUSE Hack Week (Los Angeles, USA).